Friday 24 February 2012

How to Use Skype Mobile to Call Cheap When Traveling


Calling internationally with your mobile phone can often be an extremely expensive experience. But sometimes you just have to make calls when traveling, and it sucks knowing that you are calling at rates sometimes up to $ 5 a minute. But there's not much to do about it, or until know there wasn't. But with the spreading in Wi-Fi connections available worldwide, a few new options have presented themselves. Today most hotels, hostels, and most other accommodation offer Wi-Fi access for its customers, sometimes free, and sometimes you have to pay a small fee.

This itself, cannot ensure you cheap phone calls, because your phone cannot call using the Wi-Fi connection. Obviously you could just use a laptop to do VoIP calls, but a laptop is not that portable, and often it is easier just to bring you cell phone.

The way to allow your phone to call via Wi-Fi is to install Skype Mobile for you phone. Currently is it only available for iPhone and Nokia Symbian Phones like the Nokia 5800. But it is expected that it will become more widely available in the future.

You install the Skype Mobile software, sign up for a Skype account, load some Skype-Out credit, and then you can start calling dirt cheap using your mobile phone, everywhere in the world where you can get access to a wireless connection.

This can be somewhat of a complicated process, and therefore I also would recommend that you visit this blog, where it is explained more thoroughly, and it also has a download link for the application.

Antons Advice Nokia 5800 Applications - Look for Skype on the page

I hope you will enjoy using this application, and I hope it will help reduce your cell phone bill.

The main blog is also worth a visit, because it features a lot of good freeware games and applications for Nokia.

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Michael Hansen

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