Friday 24 February 2012

How to Use Skype in MLM

Expert Author Joe Barclay

Skype is a free software you can download to your computer. You can use it to place voice calls, video calls, exchange instant messages, and share files with others around the world who have it installed. The real attraction is that Skype-to-Skype calls are free!

Skype has been around since 2003. It has become very popular with people in MLM network marketing. I have it on my computer. However, I do not use it as a prospecting tool.

Before Skype, many network marketers promoted the concept of using instant message texting systems like MSN, Yahoo, AOL, ICQ, and others as MLM prospecting tools. The idea was to strike up a conversation with people you meet online and try to find common ground and a way to introduce your business opportunity to them. I did have some success doing that. But, I found it very time consuming. Way too much of my time was spent with prospects who did not qualify.

Similar prospecting techniques are now being promoted using Skype. And it's still easy to spend too much time on tasks that do not produce results.

I prefer to practice attraction marketing and have top-quality prospects reaching out to me on a daily basis. I've found it to be much more time-efficient and results in better qualified prospects. And most of the attraction marketing techniques we teach our team are also free or very low cost.

Still, Skype is a powerful tool for building an MLM business. I use it regularly in two different ways.

File Transfer. It is a fast and easy way to exchange files. It's perfect for videos, images, and other large files. There are no size limits, although larger files take longer to send. It's much faster than sending an email. And email attachments are becoming very unpopular.

Personal Mentoring and Coaching. I find it to be the ultimate tool for one-on-one coaching. When I can't be there in person, a video call is the next best thing.

If you don't already have Skype, download it today. It's a great tool for building your MLM business!

Joe Barclay is an expert at training others in MLM to quickly, easily create success online. Read this and other Skype in MLM articles at his website. Learn how to become a top earner in your company by subscribing to Joe's free online MLM training.

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