Monday 20 February 2012

Using Twitter As Your New AdSense Earning Tool


When you signup for a Twitter account, think about the profile name and how you could name it according to your money site, or niche marketing site of your choice. Don't overlook having a good keyword that best brands your sites. I would incorporate a separate Twitter account for each site that you have that way people can associate your niche markets sites and remember you maybe sometime when they search for or stumble upon you on the search engines.

So if you sites about shoes, and you setup a twitter account try and name it the same as your site. That way it gets better search engine results. In most cases your websites search engine results will come up along with your twitter pages.

Twitter pages are created every time you make a tweet/post. If you want to grab a single post/page then click on the time stamp that you receive after making a post, they are just under each tweet.

Don't stop there, now after you have a twitter account setup for whatever niche you plan on using to make money with AdSense, then go to or and search for the niche keywords that you would think that people would use to look for your niche.

Start following people that you search for on tweetgrid and twitscoop and you will have conversions in no time. The amount of people targeted to your twitter account will increase your targeted follows. It generally isn't a good idea to follow people that don't talk about the niche you are attempting to promote.

This is just a sample of what you can have when you choose to go to this next page. Learn more about how to make money with AdSense by using twitter by going to this site:
You can learn how to setup AdSense autopilot earnings, what AdSense niches to market, no matter what your skill set has a solution.

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