Monday 6 February 2012

Native Mobile Applications as Compared to Web Based Applications


Whether native mobile application or web based applications, it is not the concern of companies manufacturing mobile phone devices. What concerns them is that their area of domain should not be trespassed or be subject to threat or competition.

This is evident from the act of Apple, the manufacturers of iPhone. The iPhone are designed in such a way that they are not compatible with Adobe Flash. This implies that all the websites that are based on Adobe Flash will not be downloaded on the iPhone. While Apple Inc. claims that the importance of the Adobe Flash has been lost, some say that the negotiations between the Apple Inc. and Adobe failed mainly because of conflicting interest. There are some people who go to an extent of saying that Flash could prove to be a tough competitor for the iTunes' store, a venture of Apple. If Flash were allowed on the iPhone it could facilitate the user with applications without any need of approval from Apple. This is a typical case of fight for market supremacy.

Instead of Flash, Apple supports HTML5 for web browsing. This is the latest version of HTML and facilitates the designers with a wide array of application that are web-based especially of the smart phone devices.

A web based application is routed through the application provider or application store. This can be well understood from an example of Gmail. Gmail is a web based email application offered by Google. The iPhone user has to download the Gmail application form the application provider (here it is the iTunes store) if he/she wants to access the Gmail. After the application has been developed the approval of Apple is needed to distribute it through the iTunes store. The using the application the process was quite cumbersome and included registration, process of log in, application downloading and finally installing the application.

The use of HTML5 allows the users to access the Gmail website directly through the web browser. There is no need of downloading the application.

The web based applications and native mobile application have their pros and cons. The web based applications can only be accessed through the web browser and hence slower than the native mobile applications that are already installed in the mobile device. The web based applications are not limited by the process of approval from the application provider store like iTunes. This is why, the web based applications offer a wider range of selection.

When HTML5 is used, the user is facilitated with greater selection but at the cost of quality controlled by service providers like iTunes.

The competition for supremacy should not be at the cost of customers. The customers should be given a right to select whichever alternative they think they find suitable and affordable.

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Spinx is a Professional Mobile Applications Development, Web Design and Internet Marketing company; we are expert in iPhone Application Development and providing different iPhone app development services across the globe.

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