Monday 16 January 2012

Set Up An Email Address With Gmail


You may think that there are not many folks out there who have not set up email address yet, but there are still those who have resisted the temptation of this online communication tool. This article is for those who have not yet succumbed to email and also to those who have yet been exposed to the wonders of Gmail.

There are many free email services available now, so choosing which one to set up an email address with can be confusing. I am a recent convert to Gmail myself (June 2008), but I have joined many others including professional bloggers who use Gmail with great success and much happiness.

What Do The Experts Say?
Leo Babauta is the author of the popular lifestyle blog, Zen Habits. Babauta wrote all the way back in January 2007 about how using Gmail allowed him to keep his in box empty and in control of a number of different email addresses.

Bernard Lunn who writes for ReadWriteWeb has just set up a Gmail address this August, after he has "lived in Outlook" for years. ReadWriteWeb is ranked the 9th most popular blog by Technorati and provides Web Technology news, reviews and analysis.

For Lunn, his great satisfaction with Gmail is the excellent spam filter; it reduces the spam arriving in his in box to almost zero and the fact that he can access his email anywhere that he has internet access, gives him immense flexibility.

Problogger, or Darren Rowse, as is his real name converted to Gmail in April 2008 and in doing so managed to tame his out of control in box from 10,000 emails to zero. Rowse used techniques including the label, filter and archive functions in Gmail to achieve this amazing feat.

What Is The Gmail Offer?
Gmail offers a completely free email service to anyone who wishes to set up email address with them. Once signed up for your email address, you have also set up a Google account which will allow you to easily access their extended range of free on line services.

With your Gmail address you get:

  • 7000MB storage space. Storage on Gmail is continually increasing, so you are incredibly unlikely to ever run out of space.
  • Sophisticated spam filters. Moving from my old account over to Gmail, saw spam almost disappear.
  • Intelligent search function. Being a Google product you would expect this function in your email to be good and it is excellent. You will always be able to track down emails, whether you only remember the first name of the person who sent it or a key word from the email text.
  • Comprehensive Label and Filtering Systems. You can set up filters so particular emails can bypass your in box altogether if you wish.
  • A Central In Box For All Your Email Addresses. Using the mail fetcher feature in Google, you can have all email from any of your other email addresses arrive in the one in box. This means that you can use Gmail without having to even change your email address!

Have I convinced you yet? If you have not set up email address yet, go ahead and set up a free email address with Google. If you have an existing email address, go ahead take the plunge and set up email address with Gmail and start managing your email more efficiently.

Nic Avery

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