Sunday 15 January 2012

How to Promote Your New Blog

Expert Author Cory Morris

Promote your blog online. You've gone through the trouble to setting up your blog and loading it up with good content now you need to get people to the site. Getting a blog is simple to do. When you sign up your are joining a lot of other people that have decided to blog also. Blogs are being created all the time. How can you make your blog stand out from the crowd and how can you get people to start coming to your site?

Place your blog links online

The first thing that you can do is publish your blog address in your online profiles. If you are using social networks include your blog address. Twitter, facebook, and linkedin are taking over the online space. Make sure that you include your blog url in your profile.

Use your Writing Skills - Write Blog Posts and Articles

There are a lot of places online that you can post articles. Free directories are a good idea for getting your blog noticed. Article directories get a lot of web traffic and having your blog associated with them is a good idea. Articles in the article directory can receive traffic for years into the future so getting your blog address in your profile and articles is a good idea.

Become a short video director! Make a short video about it

Online video is huge. People are getting use to watching videos online. With the popularity of netflix people are starting to watch more videos online. Why not tap into this market by promoting your blog with a short video on your topic.

It can't hurt to use YouTube

YouTube is the go to place for videos so sign up for an account and create a short video. Include your blog address in your YouTube profile and annotate the video with your blog address too. Checkout vimeo too.You can make a video really quickly with one of those flip video cameras.

They are inexpensive and you can get some high quality hd video that looks great online. What if you don't have a video camera? If you don't personally have one then ask a friend. Somebody has one. These portable video cameras are getting cheaper by the minute. If you still have a hard time trying to find video then think about using a service like animoto or xtranormal to create a short video.

Old School Direct Marketing and Promotion

Even though its an online world now its still a good idea to include your blog address on your printed materials like letters and business cards. Its old school but it might still get you a few web visits.

For more information visit Home Business.

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