Friday 27 January 2012

How to Create a Website With Ease!

Expert Author Jake Paul Ives

Before we create a website it is important to know how web-hosting works... Web Hosting is a specialised choice of hosting of which allows one to store documents which can be viewable from an internet browser, these documents can be produced at home and commonly consist of either one or more of the following file times .html, .php, .asp, etc... Just because an example .html file has been created and generated from home does not mean everyone can see it, this is when the need of webhosting is taken into consideration. Generally the term webhosting is referred to as "The activity or business of providing storage space and access for websites" (Source: Wikipedia). When purchasing hosting from any one of the millions of companies out there upon purchase they provide you with a Control Panel, within this control panel allows the customer to manage his/her website in real time, for example gain or create access to there websites FTP server... When doing so from this FTP server (File transfer protocol) is the ability to place files onto the websites server box hence thereafter appearing on the internet for everyone to see.

Web hosting is available for purchase in most cases along with the following operating systems as a pick to choose from, one being Windows, another being Linux, and in some cases being Unix.

The most popular choice of operating system of which the majority of people select when purchasing is Linux, this is due to the fact that linux is a open source operating system and unlike windows is provided for a cheaper price when it comes to rental. There are many types of web hosting services available such as Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Server Hosting, Reseller Web Hosting, Vitrual Dedicated Server Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, Managed Server Hosting however as Shared Hosting is the easiest type of hosting to deal with we'll be setting one of those up.

For those in whom wish to create a website and have never before done so, choosing a web hosting provider of which provide a site builder is more ideal. These include companies such as GoDaddy,, 123-reg, 1&1 and other less popular choices such as

Steps needed to be taken:

Step 1: Purchase a web hosting plan of your choice from anyone of the millions of web hosts out there, it is recommended you choose a plan of which offers a site builder and FTP Access.

Step 2: Purchase a domain name of your choice in which you wish your visitors to type in order to retrieve access to your websites contents. Note: To save a lot of time choose a host which allows you to register a domain name along with your hosting plan.

Step 3: Wait for a welcome email to be dispensed from your desired choice of host verifying that your website and it's control panel is ready to be viewed, within that welcome email will also include your login details.

Step 4: Look for the "Site Builder" option within your hosting control panel. RVsitebuilder is a common site builder so be sure to look out for that. (If you are unsure how to build a website with RVsitebuilder please refer to this video )

Step 5: Build, Publish, Enjoy!

Although this tutorial doesn't actually state the steps required in order to actually create the website in a design point of view it is intended to give those who have never created a web site before a little piece of mind and understanding as to how easy it actually is to create a website.

I hope this has been of some help!

Need Web Hosting???

Be sure to visit for a quality, yet affordable web hosting service.

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