Wednesday 25 January 2012

GPT Sites Taking Over the Online Business World

Expert Author Joe Malone

A year ago, almost nobody was familiar with GPT sites. It seemed that if you had any interest in making money, MLM was the way to go. Now, people are looking for something where they can earn money quicker, without dealing with the years of struggling and rejection usually associated with MLM.

What is GPT? GPT, or Get Paid Today, is a business model in which you get paid now, for the work that you are doing now. You do not need to sponsor x number of people who each sell or use x number of products to raise your level, or any of the structure associated with MLM. GPT sites are businesses in which you have a product, you market it, you get paid.

How is this different that a traditional business? If you are building a GPT business the right way, you will require nowhere near the investment amount needed for most traditional businesses. You will not need employees, or a location other than your computer desk to build you business. A good Get Paid Today business will not require you to stock up on products, but will allow you customers easy access to your product or service.

How are GPT sites affecting the business world? Get Paid Today businesses are taking over the business world. People are moving away from their MLM opportunities to start making money now. This is hurting the MLM companies, and for the people who are acting fast, it is helping them create massive income streams. People are starting to make money in their business sooner, which is helping motivate them and keep them pushing. This is the opposite of MLM. While MLM is legal, many companies have been referred to as scams because people get in them, don't make money, and then bad mouth them. They have extremely high dropout rates. More people are staying focused on their GPT sites, and the results are showing.

How do I spot a good GPT business? Spotting a good Get Paid Today business is the same as spotting any good business. They want to have a quality product. They need to be running a legal, ethical business. They need to offer you the proper education to help you build you business the right way. Unfortunately, most GPT, MLM, and business opportunities in general, tend to be missing one or more of these key characteristics.

What GPT sites have everything needed to build a successful business? I have done a lot of searching for the best businesses out there. In the end, 2 companies rise above the rest. They are Global Resorts Network, which offers the product, and Carbon Copy Pro, which offers the education. These companies merged together to create an unparalleled business opportunity. They have created a GPT company, in which you can earn $1,000 commissions, partnered with the ultimate education company, which not only teaches you how to build your GPT business, but also gives you the opportunity to earn $25 - $150 commissions. The two companies work hand in hand to ensure your business success. Get a taste of what CC Pro has to offer HERE.

Yours In Success

Joe Malone

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