Wednesday 25 January 2012

7 Tips to Keep Your Computer in Tip-Top Shape


In this modern age we keep in touch with relatives either through chat or emails, search for information about anything under the earth and sometimes out of the earth as well. We also do business proposals and communications with associates and of late do shopping and pay utility bills sitting conveniently at home. This is possible with the help of our computer and an internet connection. So it is important that we take care of our computer to work efficiently and without any hitches. Listed here are 7 tips to keep your computer running in tip-top shape.

1 Value in Brand: When you depend on the computer to do lot of your personal as well as business communications, it is of paramount importance that you invest in a good computer to do that. There are assembled sets available at a price lower than the quality branded computers. But in the long run they will make you incur more money on servicing and repairs due to the low quality parts used in them. Invest on a Good Brand for reliability and even if something goes wrong, the warranty will protect you from added expenditure.

2 Software: There is a tendency to rely upon counterfeit operating systems to save some money. This will prove as a wrong decision on the long run. Information technology being on a fast track, there are newer versions and updates to the existing versions released on a regular basis. Only genuine software is capable of updating them online. Further, there is no guarantee that the counterfeit will work without trouble. Imagine a situation when you have to reach an important client to close a deal but your computer crashes. Insist on OEM software.

3 Antivirus: Computer and Internet is regularly targeted by hackers to steal important data and details like username and password to use them for anti social activities. You can lose your money and credibility in that computer if your online bank account is compromised. Install the latest antivirus program on your computer and update them on a regular basis to stay ahead of the hackers and have peace of mind.

4 Power supply: As it is food for man, a computer to function at its best, require a continuous and steady supply of power. In case you area is prone for black-outs or power cuts valuable data can be lost when the power is lost abruptly while you are working on an important work. Therefore it is advisable to ensure a steady supply of power through a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply).

5 Qualified Personnel: The computer being a sensitive gadget, operations of them should be done by qualified personnel. The computer should be operated only by those who are aware of the basic functioning of the machine. Further, when there is a malfunction rather than fidgeting with the machine, it should be referred to the service personnel.

6 Regular Service: It is advisable to enter into an AMC (annual maintenance contract) with the supplier of the computer to ensure timely service and to avoid extra expenditure in way of repairing charges. Regular service will keep your computer in tip-top condition.

7 Beware of spam: One should be careful not to open spam emails which may contain viruses that will infect the computer. With the hackers also getting wiser day by day, any such email with "smart virus" in them can surpass the antivirus program installed. It will infect the system and important data will be lost.

It really pays to take care of your computer for a trouble free working day.

Mehmet Onatli is a computer technology enthusiast and an expert in computer performance optimization. He has helped thousands of people fix their computer with windows registry cleaner. Visit his site right now for more information and help to choose between top registry cleaners

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1 comment:

  1. I've been using Kaspersky protection for many years now, I recommend this solution to all you.


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